Dear members:

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for DiscNS will be held in person and online this year.

If you want to join our board of directors, please get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the AGM.


The meeting will be on Thursday, May 30th, at approximately 8:45 pm, following the Halifax Ultimate AGM that night. The in-person component will be in the classroom of the BMO Soccer Centre at 210 Thomas Raddall Drive, Halifax. 


The agenda of the 2024 meeting is as follows:

  • land acknowledgement

  • review of meeting etiquette

  • approval of agenda

  • approval of minutes from last year 

  • introduction of the Board

  • review of last year's activities

  • presentation of next year's plans 

  • presentation and approval of financials

  • vote for new Board members

  • other business


Please respond to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan on attending the meeting so we can estimate whether or not we will reach a quorum for the meeting.  


Questions and comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. are welcome in advance of the AGM.


2024 Meeting Link: 

To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-816-0492 and enter this PIN: 205 259 359#

2024 DiscNS Financial Report: files/2024-2025_DiscNS_Budget_and_Financial_Statements.pdf

2024 AGM Minutes: files/AGM_2024_Minutes.pdf

2024 AGM Presentation Slides: files/2024_AGM.pdf



2023 DiscNS AGM Minutes: files/DiscNS_AGM_2023_minutes.pdf

2023 DiscNS AGM Presentation Slides: files/2023_AGM.pdf


We look forward to your participation at the AGM,


Disc NS Board of Directors